2022 Common Country Analysis Update

The Common Country Analysis (CCA) is a reflection of evolving country contexts that identifies key development challenges. The CCA is an essential tool used by the UN country team (UNCT) to ensure appropriate and focused programming that tackles the right issues in the right ways. The UNCT is implementing the Lao PDR-UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2022-2026 (UNSDCF) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its programming, and the regular update of the CCA is a crucial part of this effort.
The UNSDCF, jointly designed by the Government of Lao PDR and 25 UN agencies, funds, and programmes, aligns with national development priorities and builds on the CCA's findings. To ensure that the UN programming remains relevant and up-to-date, the CCA is reviewed annually, and the first update was released in December 2022. The update reflects new developments and highlights emerging challenges that require changes to UN programming using a simple color-coding. The CCA update was prepared by the Programme Oversight Group and endorsed by the UNCT and the Lao PDR Government.