
Round Table Meeting 2018 to Take Stock of Lao PDR’s Development Progress

09 ພະຈິກ 2018

  • National media was invited to a briefing at the Ministry of Planning and Investment, where the Government and the United Nations announced the annual Round Table Meeting to take place in Vientiane capital on 4-5 December. 
Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, His Excellency Dr. Kikeo Chanthaboury and UN Lao PDR Resident Coordinator, Ms. Kaarina Immonen prepared to receive questions from local journalists.
Caption: Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, His Excellency Dr. Kikeo Chanthaboury and UN Lao PDR Resident Coordinator, Ms. Kaarina Immonen prepared to receive questions from local journalists.
Photo: © UNRCO Lao PDR/Olga Nilova

This year’s Round Table Meeting revolves around the Mid-Term Review of the implementation of the current 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP). The main topics of discussion emerge from the outcomes of the national plan. They include

  • Sustained inclusive economic growth,
  • Social and human development,
  • Natural resources, environmental management and disaster preparedness, and
  • Cross-cutting issues such as rule of law, youth and gender.

This year’s Round Table Meeting will also present the opportunity to discuss the findings of the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, conducted nationwide by the Ministry of Labour and Social Labour Welfare with joint support of the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Union to assess the impact of the recent floods. Deciding on the way forward for recovery and reconstruction efforts, including its financing, will stand at the core of these exchanges. 

Results from Lao PDR’s first Voluntary National Review on Sustainable Development, presented at the United Nations in July and priority measures to achieve the Agenda 2030 will also be discussed, as well as the pathway to graduation from Least Developed Country Status after the first successful eligibility review earlier this year.

The meeting will bring together a wide range of development partners to take stock of progress made in the first half of the 8th NSEDP implementation period (2016-2020), and, drawing from lessons learned, to jointly set the priorities for the coming years, including the formulation of the next, 9th national plan. Delegations will also have the opportunity to witness development progress and new forms of public-private partnerships during a field visit.

At today’s press briefing, H.E. Dr. Kikeo Chanthaboury, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, said: “The 2018 Round Table Meeting provides an extremely important policy platform for the Government of Lao PDR and its development partners to collaboratively identify means of implementation of the remaining period of 8th NSEDP, particularly the need to enhance partnership and effective development cooperation for sustainable growth and preparation for the next 9th NSEDP (2021-2025)”. His Excellency reiterated and stressed that “the Government of Lao PDR is highly committed to make this year’s Round Table Meeting an open, creative and interactive forum taking place on two consecutive days. I look forward to full participation of national and international stakeholders at various levels.”

Ms. Kaarina Immonen, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative emphasized Lao PDR’s strong ownership of the Sustainable Development Goals: “I would like to flag the importance of formulating national development plans and strategies with a vision towards 2030 and to look at the needs of the most vulnerable people. The Mid-Term Review of the 8th NSEDP will provide the necessary evidence and lessons learned to develop a strong 9th NSEDP, promote smooth graduation from LDC status, and build resilience, which is critical after the devastating floods this year.”                                                                                                                            

Round Table Meetings are part of the national Round Table Process, a mechanism to ensure maximum impact of development efforts. The Round Table Process, which is co-chaired by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and UNDP, includes 10 Sector Working Groups and 30 Subsector Working Groups to coordinate actions by theme. A series of Sector Working Group meetings and pre-consultations to the meeting in early December have been conducted throughout the year, with a final pre-consultation on recovery foreseen later in November.

ບັນດາໜ່ວຍງານ ສປຊ ທີ່ມີສ່ວນຮ່ວມໃນການລິເລີ່ມນີ້

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Labour Organization
International Organization for Migration
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Capital Development Fund
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Office for Project Services
United Nations Volunteers
World Food Programme
World Health Organization


International Monetary Fund
World Bank
World Bank
