CLOSING REMARKS: Theme 2: Trade, Private Sector, Value Chains, and Tourism, Multi-Stakeholder Taskforce to study the impact of COVID-19 to support a Determination of the 9th NSEDP and SDG Localization in Lao PDR
10 ກັນຍາ 2020
Theme 2: Trade, Private Sector, Value Chains, and Tourism
Ms. Sara Sekkenes, UN Resident Coordinator
Thursday 10th September (9:30-12:00)
Crowne Plaza
Esteemed Government partners,
Mr. Oudet Souvannavong, President, Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI)
Distinguished Ambassadors,
Colleagues, Ladies & Gentlemen,
- I would like to express my sincere thanks for your active participation in the discussion this morning.
- The 9th NSEDP is being developed under highly unusual circumstances. Across the world, policymakers are struggling every day to grapple with the scale of the fallout from COVID-19. There is so much about the implications of the pandemic that we are yet to understand, and yet the government needs to set out a plan that will stand the test of time over the coming 5 years.
- Contributing to this difficult task today, we set out to address a broad, but critical range of issues through our discussion, and it has been truly impressive to see the range of different stakeholders - from government, the private sector, and development partners come together to do this.
- We are all here because we recognize that the plans and policy priorities set out in the 9th NSEDP matter. How well we can identify and adapt to the changing circumstances to make the right calls will shape how much progress we make towards the achievement of national development priorities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- In bringing this group together, we hoped to pool our knowledge through a frank, open discussion. Through this, we hoped to move towards a shared understanding of the strategic policy decisions that give us the best chance of achieving the most critical development priorities laying the ground for the future aspirations, despite the challenges we now face.
- Over the course of the past hours we have touched on everything from realising the benefits of infrastructure investments, to the challenges of regional integration in times of closed borders, to the opportunities that can be identified for the tourism sector that is currently a shadow of its former self.
- We have discussed ways forward for agriculture, the potential of greater development of the digital economy, and managing the transition on Lao PDRs journey to graduation from the group of Least Developed Countries.
- This is no small achievement, and I commend you for being willing to think hard and work together to help identify ways forward.
- This second thematic policy dialogue will be followed over the course of the next two weeks by three more dialogues:
- Green growth, resilience and risk management;
- Managing changes and enhancing policy preparedness for decent work; and
- Human capital, including health and education.
- Each of these will seek to build on the discussions so far, taking a similar approach, working through what we know about how the situation has changed as a result of COVID-19, and what that means for policy priorities over the upcoming 5-years, with a view to making strategic recommendations for consideration in the preparation of the 9th NSEDP.
- Based on each meeting, we will prepare a short outcome document – drawing on the background paper- setting out the key elements of discussion, and our strategic recommendations on possible ways forward as suggested by the Multi-Stakeholder Taskforce.
- These notes from this series of thematic policy dialogues, will be presented at the upcoming meeting of the Sector Working Group Chairs and Co-Chairs (tentatively planned for 28th September).
- Vice-Minister Kikeo and I will count on the technical leads from the sessions to join us I that meeting, to present and take forward the process of translating the strategic discussion into the concrete implications for the 9th NSEDP. Indeed, we must all work to take forward the outcomes of these discussions to the finalization the 9th NSEDP as a strategic plan that meets the governments expectations and sets priorities that can underwrite progress despite the exceptional challenge of the global pandemic.
- With this, I thank you all again for your participation today, and in particular to my co-chair, Mr. Oudet Souvannavong, President, Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) and the technical team from:
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MoIC) and in particular DG Mr. Buavanh Vilavong from the Department of Industry and Handicraft, for his unwavering energy
- International Trade Centre (ITC)
- UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- The World Bank
- UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
- Thank you and good afternoon.
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United Nations