CLOSING REMARKS: Theme 4: Labour Markets and Migration, Multi-Stakeholder Taskforce to study the impact of COVID-19 to support a Determination of the 9th NSEDP and SDG Localization in Lao PDR
16 ກັນຍາ 2020
Theme 4: Labour Markets and Migration
Ms. Sara Sekkenes, UN Resident Coordinator
Wednesday 16th September (9:00-11:30)
Crowne Plaza
Excellency Mme. Baykham,
Esteemed Government partners,
LNCCI President,
Distinguished Ambassadors,
Colleagues, Ladies & Gentlemen,
- I would like to express my sincere thanks for your open engagement in the discussion this morning.
- The scale and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic is creating profound challenges for policymakers across the world. For Lao PDR this coincides with the process to develop our next 5-year plan for socio-economic development.
- This is a challenge, in that the uncertainty about how the longer-term implications will play out will test our ability to set out a plan that will stand the test of time.
- But, at the same time, it also creates an opportunity. By taking this moment to carefully reflect on what the disruption we are seeing means for development policy, we can make strategic decisions that offer the best chance of reaching our development aspirations in spite of the circumstances. So rather than being tied to long-term plans set before the pandemic, we can write new ones that work with the new situation.
- We set out today to address a vital, but demanding and complex set of issues. The steps that we take over the coming 5 years will make all the difference not only to the development progress that we make, but also crucially to how inclusive that development is.
- For most people, it is through their work that they are able to take part in and benefit from the process of economic development, so proper consideration of labour market policies will be essential.
- In bringing this group together, we hoped to pool our knowledge through a frank, open discussion. Through this, we aim to move towards a shared understanding of the strategic policy decisions that give us the best chance of achieving our development aspirations despite the challenges we now face.
- Over the course of the morning, we have discussed how the COVID-19 shock has compounded an already challenging outlook for the world of work in Lao PDR. The unexpected mass return of migrants has stretched the re-integration capacity. We need to build labour market systems and structures that are more resilient to shocks, including taking forward social protection strategies that can help support adaptation to changing circumstances and protect the most vulnerable.
- None of this will be easy, especially given the extremely stretched financial situation. But by taking the time now to identify the strategic shifts we need to make; we are setting off on the right foot.
- This fourth thematic policy dialogue will be followed by a final session on Friday, addressing green growth, resilience and risk management.
- This will build on the discussions so far, taking a similar approach, working through what we know about how the situation has changed as a result of COVID-19, and what that means for policy priorities over the coming 5-years, with a view to making strategic recommendations for consideration in the preparation of the 9th NSEDP.
- Based on each of the dialogues, we will prepare a short outcome document – drawing on the background paper- setting out the key elements of discussion, and our strategic recommendations on possible ways forward as the Multi-Stakeholder Taskforce.
- These will be presented at the planned meeting of the Sector Working Group Chairs and Co-Chairs (tentatively planned for 28th September). Vice Minister Kikeo and I count on the technical leads from the sessions joining that discussion, to take forward the process of translating the strategic discussion we have had today into concrete implications for the 9th NSEDP.
- With this, I thank you all again for your participation today, and in particular to the technical team from:
- Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
- With support from:
- Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and
- Lao Federation of Trade Unions.
- Thank you and I wish you well for the remainder of the day.
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United Nations