Lao PDR, Bangladesh and Nepal to join the South-South Exchange on Preparing Smooth Transition Strategy for LDC Graduation
The South-South Exchange on Preparing Smooth Transition Strategy for LDC Graduation
Vientiane, 22 August 2022- From 23 to 25 August 2022, Government officials and representatives from the private sector, academia, research institute and civil society from Lao PDR, Bangladesh and Nepal, and the UN, will gather in Bangkok, Thailand to attend a South- South Exchange on Preparing Smooth Transition Strategies.
The event is organised by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), the Committee for Development Policy (CDP), the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS), the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and Offices of the UN Resident Coordinator; delivered through iGRAD (Sustainable Graduation Support Facility) and funded by UN DESA’s Peace and Development Fund project. This initiative is part of the on-going support by the UN Development System for Lao PDR, Bangladesh and Nepal as the only three countries recommended by the CDP for graduation during the ongoing global pandemic to develop the national Smooth Transition Strategy (STS) for sustainable graduation.
The Lao Delegation, led by Mr. Daovy Vongxay, Director- General of International Organisations Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, comprises LDC focal points across nine line ministries and representatives from the private sector, research institute and civil society. The Delegation will be accompanied by the representatives from the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator, led by the Ms. Sara Sekkenes, UN Resident Coordinator in Lao PDR. UN DESA, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) support the Delegation’s participation.
United Nations Resident Coordinator, Ms. Sara Sekkenes, stated in her opening remarks that
“This South-South Exchange offers an opportunity to jointly discuss how to develop and what actions to promote in the Smooth Transition Strategies to manage the next steps in the development pathways of Bangladesh, of Lao PDR and of Nepal.”
She further addressed that
“We need to consider these current challenges and each particular national context when discussing the three countries’ LDC graduation – focused on tailored measures needed ahead of 2026 and then also beyond, to stay the course once the graduation is in sight.”
Over the course of three days with eight technical sessions, the delegations from Lao PDR, Bangladesh and Nepal will have various opportunities to experience and exchange views on the common gaps and challenges of graduation where particular focus and actions would be required during the development process of the STS, identify pathways to address those challenges and consolidate joint efforts to advocate for effective international support for the successful implementation of the STS.