Joint Programme on High-Frequency Data: Bulletin 3 - Macroeconomic Outlook of Lao PDR

This information bulletin was jointly developed by the Macroeconomic Research Institute, LASES, and the UN in Lao PDR under the Joint Programme on “High Frequency Data” in response to the current food, energy, and financing crises. The bulletin spotlights Vulnerable Groups in the context of the financial and socio-economic challenges in Lao PDR and is the second bulletin in a series as part the Joint Programme. The second one provides information on “Food Security and Livelihoods” and the third bulletin will be on “Macroeconomic analysis of the country’s economy”.
More about the programme:
The Joint Programme was set up in the context of the rapidly depreciating value of the KIP and the rising prices for food, fuel and fertilisers which came on top of the already exacerbated financial and socio-economic vulnerabilities. The current shocks can affect a wide range of individuals in many areas ranging from employment status, education, food consumption to gender-based violence. To capture these recent manifestations and potential trends, the Joint Programme considers collected data from households and businesses across the country as well as macro-economic developments.
Until December 2022, the data collected and related analysis will be made available to interested stakeholders and distributed through three information bulletins and discussed during a multi-stakeholder workshop towards the end of the programme. The outcome of this workshop as well as the most significant findings of the three bulletins will be summarised in a final policy report. This Joint Programme is funded by the Joint SDG Fund’s Development Emergency Modality, which was set to give more than 100 UN country teams worldwide the opportunity to receive fast and flexible seed financing to support governments in understanding the current changes and needs to tackle the ongoing global food, energy, and financing crises.