UN Common Country Analysis

The UN Common Country Analysis (CCA) is an integrated, forward-looking, and evidence-based analysis of the country context for sustainable development. It reflects the integrated nature of the SDGs, and is structured to provide a cumulative, logical articulation of the key development challenges and opportunities for Lao PDR to inform future strategic programming decisions. The CCA is prepared based on both secondary and primary information. Additionally, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, the CCA takes into account assessments available on the impact of the pandemic on lives and livelihoods. Led by the UN Resident Coordinator and the day-to-day management of the RCO, the UNCT had the full ownership of the process. The main stakeholders consulted include Government representatives, in-country and off-site development partners and diplomatic member state missions, civil society, and representatives of vulnerable and marginalised groups.