Government of Lao PDR commits to sustainable food systems transformation at Rome Summit
28 July 2023
The Government of Lao PDR stands firm and is committed for sustainable food systems transformation at the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UN FSS+2) with support from the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP), the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and the wider UN system.

Rome, 28 July 2023: The UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2), held between 24-26 July 2023 in Rome, was hosted by Italy, in collaboration with the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP), the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub and the wider UN system.
The UNFSS+2 provided an opportunity to connect with powerful actors and agencies to accelerate sustainable, equitable and resilient food systems at greater scale for people, planet and prosperity, with a commitment to leave no-one behind.
In cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry which serves as the National Convener for the Food Systems in Lao PDR, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) led the Lao Delegation which included the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Finance (MOF) and representatives from the FAO Lao Country Office. This UN FSS is also a platform to share successful food system transformations and best-case scenarios, while addressing challenges and gaps that may hinder effective implementation.
The Lao Delegation, led by Madam Sisomboun Ounavong, Director-General of the Department of International Cooperation at the MPI, and Dr. Phommy Inthichack, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Planning and Cooperation at the MAF and National Convenor, emphasized the importance of multi-stakeholder engagement and a holistic, government-wide approach to translate national pathways into tangible actions.
The Lao Delegation appreciates the opportunity to participate in the UNFSS+2, as it provides valuable insights from other countries. These insights will inform the development of the Lao National Plan of Actions on Food Systems Transformation, which is supported by the Rome-based UN Agencies (FAO, IFAD, WFP) and the wider UN system under the supervision of the UN Resident Coordinator's Office.
The presence of representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Finance at an international event such as the UNFSS+2 demonstrates a clear strategic vision for not only the future of the agriculture sector but other sectors in Lao PDR which is a crucial step towards transforming food systems to enable better production, nutrition, and environmental outcomes for the people of Lao PDR and beyond.
Throughout the three-day event, a variety of informative side events were held by different representatives on a range of topics related to food and agriculture. These events provided participants with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge on specific issues. Among the events were "Agrifood Transformation for the SDGs: Innovations and SMEs as Gamechangers," which focused on how innovations and small and medium-sized enterprises can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Another event, "National Pathways: Spotlight on Nutrition, Gender, and Food System Policy Actions," highlighted the importance of addressing nutrition, gender, and policy in food system transformations. Attendees had the chance to participate in these and other events, gaining valuable insights and perspectives on key issues in the field.
For more information, please contact:
- Bounmee Maokhamphiou, FAO, Outreach Specialist - Bounmee.Maokhamphiou[at]
- Vilaylack Khounvisith, FAO, National Communication Consultant - Vilaylack.Khounvisith[at]